Vision: We are dedicated to ensuring Transgender, Non-Binary, and Intersex people receive high quality, equitable, person-centered care that empowers them to thrive and achieve their full health potential.

What is Ask Miss Jai?
Ask Miss Jai is a capacity-building program designed to support healthcare and public health professionals' goal of providing evidence-based, high quality services for Transgender, Non-Binary, and Intersex people.
Ask Miss Jai's Mission is to increase access to and improve quality of health services for Transgender, Non-Binary, and Intersex people by offering capacity-building training and technical assistance for healthcare and public health providers.
What does Ask Miss Jai offer?

Virtual & In-Person Training
Tailored, interactive capacity-building training structured to enhance the skills of healthcare and public health professionals. Training is offered virtually and in-person and designed for learners to leave with tangible action steps to improving the quality of care and services for gender-expansive people.

Self-Paced Training
Courses and masterclasses built to empower healthcare and public health professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to provide more inclusive and affirming care for Transgender, Non-Binary, and Intersex (TGNBI) people and communities. Group rates are offered for non-profit and for-profit organizations.
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We will never give your information to a third party, and you can unsubscribe at any time.